plans + reports

plans + reports

New Bedford’s first-ever strategic Arts + Culture Plan was published in December 2018: New Bedford Creative: our Art, our Culture, our Future, with a vision for the city as follows: “In New Bedford, the creative community is an engaged and powerful partner, inspiring social, economic, and cultural growth. In this authentic seaport city, each and every person enjoys an opportunity to experience a diversity of cultures. Art is everywhere, encouraging fun, provoking thought, and nurturing the soul.”

This city-wide plan will enable New Bedford to define its future arts and cultural vision and priorities. We view the creative economy not as a separate arts and culture initiative, but as the leading edge growth sector that not only represents significant potential for job creation and revitalization, but also as the most effective way for us to tell the stories of our past, present, and future through art, culture, and emerging creative enterprises. If you are interested in downloading the full plan with all appendices, click here.

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